About Us


“This completes my third year hosting as a double placement, and I would not even consider a placement through any other agency. 我们三个人相处得很愉快,对各自的国家也学到了很多, customs and culture.”

Lane from Washington, USA

“This was our first experience. Everything went very smoothly for us. 我的丈夫对(主持)整个想法非常紧张,但他很喜欢这次经历. 我们的交换生离开的那天早上,他给我发了短信,感谢我的好主意,并继续前进. 上学对她来说并不容易,但我们的学生非常好学,而且很投入.”

Laurie and Glenn from Montana, USA

“参加这个项目不仅仅是在另一个大陆和不同的人一起生活六个月. 我仍然不敢相信我和这里的朋友们走得这么近,我相信我会和他们中的一些人保持很长一段时间的联系. 我和我的寄宿家庭建立了很好的关系,我毫不怀疑我们永远不会失去彼此. 我也学会了从不同的角度看问题,我明白了我做事的方式并不是唯一正确的. 我也提高了我的英语水平,这对我将来会有很大的帮助. 我非常感激我遇到的所有很棒的人,以及我将带回来的美好回忆.”

Chiara from Italy

“I would recommend NWSE, 因为总部的协调员和工作人员在交换学生的经历中付出了很多努力,为他们提供了最好的照顾和支持.”

Philipp from Germany

“我们最大的收获是我们建立了如此美妙的友谊,感觉我们又多了一个女儿. 我们的孩子了解了不同的文化,以及如何更好地沟通. They also developed lifelong friendships. 看到我们的学生接受美国的生活方式真是太棒了. Every day was an adventure that she looked forward to waking up to. 在整个过程中,NWSE一直在我们身边,如果我们需要帮助,他们会指导我们,并确保学生们遵守规则. 你永远不会后悔这段经历,这是我们做过的最好的事情之一,非常值得.”

Julie and Kelly from Utah, USA

“我在这里遇到的每个人都以某种方式让我对自己有了更好的认识. And this, I must say, is my biggest impression here. 无论何时你和某人交谈,他们都会让你对这个世界有更好的感觉和想法. It doesn’t even matter how naive it is, because that’s what makes everybody here, and me personally happy! 我也非常感谢我在这里,我身边有这么好的人,比如我的当地协调员,  guys from NWSE, who are always here for me and my host family, whom I have already learned a lot from.”

Arina from Russia

“NWSE对学校的选择、寄宿家庭和协调员都很棒! 我在NWSE支持下的交流经历是宝贵而难忘的. I would like to recommend NWSE as an exchange program to others.”

Namiki from Japan

“学生们适应家庭生活的速度之快令人惊讶,他们变得就像你自己的儿子或女儿一样. 他们的个性会给你的生活带来很多不同的视角. They may make you step back and look differently at something. 最大的回报是当他们开始把你当成真正的父母. 如果你想要一种文化体验,喜欢家庭氛围,这是你的选择.”

Mark from Utah, USA

“作为一名交换学生,最大的收获可能是被一个很棒的家庭招待. 我无法想象没有他们的生活,我觉得我会永远在那里. 另一个巨大的回报是了解另一种文化,而不仅仅是作为游客, 而是作为社区的正式成员,因此经历了我作为客人从未经历过的事情. That really broadened my horizons.”

Julia from Germany

“(我的寄宿家庭和我)彼此之间有着直接的良好联系. 我觉得现在我在美国有了另一个家庭……我们的关系很好,有很多乐趣. 当我尝试时,我向自己展示了我的能力,我可以测试出新的极限. I had a once in a lifetime experience that I’ll never forget.”

Lisa from Germany

“我认为我从交流中得到的最大回报不仅仅是更好的英语技能,还有我学到的每一次经历和教训. It changed myself and my mind about American culture. 我还得到了泰国和墨西哥(交换学生)以及美国人之间的宝贵友谊. 虽然我们说不同的语言,但我们能成为朋友真是太神奇了.”

Nawaporn from Thailand

“I truly felt like a part of the family, whenever I had a problem they helped and we got really close. I could have tons of fun and talk to them about anything. Saying good-bye was unbelievably hard.”

Marius from Germany


Juri from Japan


Vera from Germany

“My NWSE Exchange has been perfect – the best decision I ever made.”

Emil from Germany

“At first when I was thinking of the exchange, 我很害怕,但后来我来到这里,事情就变成这样了, so good. I am so, so happy. I am so glad I did the exchange.”

Leonie from France

“America is awesome. You have freedom here. 你可以做你想做的事——没有人告诉你必须做什么. You are free to make your choices. I love it. I am becoming a more independent person.”

Punnada from Thailand

“America is amazing. I love it. 我的交流非常棒,这对我来说是一个伟大的决定. My exchange has made me grow and be a better person. I am on the wrestling team at school and it has been incredible. I was terrified…its so exciting and I’m doing it. 那六分钟是我一生中最激动人心的六分钟,我全神贯注,我的心怦怦直跳. I love it. NWSE非常棒——我会把它推荐给任何想做交易的人.”

Miguel from Spain

“我在美国最喜欢的是我的寄宿家庭. 我一定会回美国看他们和我所有的朋友. The food, school, people it is all so different from Spain. I like my school a lot. I am so glad I made this decision to exchange to the US. NWSE是一个很棒的组织,也是一个去美国交换学生的好机会.”

Sol from Spain

“我最喜欢美国的是它的空间——陆地和天空. It is so beautiful.”

Shunnosuke from Japan

“我最喜欢美国的是这里的人……学校真的很不一样, very social and not so strict, I love it. 美国人庆祝节日的方式非常令人惊讶,非常不同,我很高兴我做了这个交流. I am really glad I chose NWSE. I couldn’t ask for a better coordinator here or in Germany. Everybody is very nice and always ready to help!”

Vivien from Germany

“My exchange has been great. I love my family so much.”

Mariana from Brazil

“I love my family. I am so happy.”

Antonia from Germany